League of Logic

Sponsor Us

To provide the team with this amazing educational opportunity, we need funding. Other teams are given full rides by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, NASA, or the US Department of Defense, but we rely on the generosity of sponsors like you! Competitions are not cheap. Registration costs alone can be over $6,000, not to mention the cost of parts, trip and business expenses, and maintenance. A team requires at least $30,000 to work to their full potential - but every dollar helps!

Barack Obama at the 2015 FIRST National Competition

Justin Trudeau with the Afghan Girl's Robotics Team

In exchange for sponsorships, our team provides amazing brand exposure opportunities. Based on sponsorship level, FIRST will allow for huge amounts of national exposure. Logos on our robot, links, logos and your name on our website, and logos on team shirts are all possible; at the national competition in St. Louis, Missouri, in the Edward James Dome, your name could be read out to over 100,000 passionate STEM students, industry professionals, and fans. Not to mention, through internet and television, the competition is broadcast live to millions across the world.

Tax reciepts

What goes around, comes around! We offer tax receipts for tax deductions purposes. Simply request one upon donation.

Sponsorship Tiers

Don't see a tier that works for you? Contact us for custom options! All tiers include benefits of all previous tiers.

Ready to help us learn, build and win?

Contact us!