League of Logic

For Students

Why join League of Logic?


Gain valuable, real-world engineering, programming and business experience. Our alumni have become students at world-class universities, leaders in the tech industry and successful entrepreneurs


Feel the thrill of travelling across Ontario and beyond for the largest robotics competition in the world. The competition is attended by industry professionals and politicians like Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau.

Lifelong Friends and uni applications

Make lifelong friends and memories as we fundraise, build and code our way to victory, all while gaining valuable experience for university admissions!

The Teams

There’s a place for everyone willing to pull their weight in League of Logic.


From shaping the frame to building subsystems, these teams assemble and wire the robot. Additionally, in case of breakdowns during competitions, they play the role of last-minute mechanics.


As soon as the yearly challenge is unveiled, the design team gets to work drafting blueprints and ordering parts. What machine systems can most effectively load gears onto a steamship, or play defense during robot soccer?


A robot is just a hunk of metal without the code that runs through its veins. Programmers breathe life into the robot, allowing it to run autonomously or be remote-controlled, ironing out bugs to ensure the robot is as efficient as possible on competition day.


The media team manages League of Logic’s social media and website, crucial mediums for attracting funding from sponsors and the school, as well as building team awareness amidst the student body. A brilliant invention is nothing if nobody knows about it.


Building a robot is expensive, costing $30,000 yearly. The business team is active from day one, contacting sponsors and writing business plans. They also give back to the community through outreach activities at the YMCA and local elementary schools.

The Commitment

We are not a for-fun club (though any alumni will tell you being part of League of Logic is the most exciting and rewarding part of high school). We are a team, and we play to win. Members are expected to dedicate anywhere from 2-30 hours a week (more closer to competition).

Any other questions? Ask Mr. McKay in the computer studies department, or any current robotics team member.